Wednesday, June 07, 2006

First zucchini of the season

I'm thinking... sliced and sauteed in a little olive oil with salt and cracked pepper.

The variety is a bush type called 'Gold Rush', by the way. These zukes are in a half-barrel, which might account for their earliness. I've also had a major veggie garden epiphany recently-- if you want bees in your vegetable garden, plant lavender! My lavender plants are like one giant beehive right now and yes, I do happen to have blooming lavender right next to my squash plants.


  1. I am so jealous! I have one zuke plant which is flowering like crazy...but only female flowers. I am waiting for the male flowers to start blooming so we can have a little pollination.

  2. I can almost taste it! Still waiting for my zuke plants to produce.

  3. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Your idea sounds terrific -- I can't wait until we get to harvest the first zucchini, too! Enjoy...

    The Inadvertent Gardener
