Monday, August 29, 2005

Cybergarden Maintenance

If I seem a little behind in weekly updates to, it's because I'm in the process of switching computers and moving my new computer from "Command Central", a location sandwiched between my kitchen and family room, to a corner of an upstairs guest room. Hey, it ain't much, but it'll afford me the quiet and privacy (and ability to focus) I've been so desperately craving.

On the garden front... I'm looking forward to putting in some fall color. I still get really excited when I see pansies showing up in nurseries after a long, hot summer. Along with pansies, I'm eagerly anticipating nursery displays of Japanese anemones, mums, pumpkins and more!

In a garden bed that will one day be home to closely-planted fruit shrubs, I planted pumpkins and lemon cucumbers. The pumpkin is 'Big Max', a typically 18-inch pumpkin, but with my minimal care the largest pumpkin is only about 14 inches in diameter. Still, it's a really cool pumpkin which is already developing a nice orange tint! Here, let me show you.

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