Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Articles that caught my eye this morning

Hey, California gardeners... did you catch these inspirational, informational pieces?

Southwestern look in Bay Area gardens
These Stunning desert plants do just fine in our dry (or hot) summers, wet winter

by Amy Stewart, Special to the Chronicle, Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Gardening for a Second Season by Renee Shepard (Renee's Garden Newsletter)


  1. Thanks for the heads up on the two articles. Renee is right about the second season, but so few people know about it. It’s a great way to keep the harvests coming, but timing is important.

    The photo of vegetables is scrumptious. You are an excellent photographer.

    Mendocino reminds me of my days in Half Moon Bay, where it’s frost free and anything grows. Growing up there I didn’t realize how special coastal gardening was, until I moved away.

  2. I was pleased with that photo too. It was a quick hand-held snapshot taken just as the sun was going down and at first I resorted to flash... yuck... but then remembered to increase the ASA on my camera and use natural light. I didn't think there was enough light left, but there was! I need to do that more often because grainy + natural light looks way better than fine grain + flash.

    As for coastal gardening, yes anything grows... except apples, oranges, tomatoes, etc... ;-)

    A summer home on the coast would be nice so you could have the best of both worlds.
