Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Book recommendation: Nature Noir: A Park Ranger's Patrol in the Sierra

What? Angela doesn't only read gardening books? Ooh, she's so multi-dimensional.

Nature Noir is a great read, folks, and is northern California and nature-related so I can justify recommending it on my Northern California nature lovin' garden blog. This book will make you want to hug a park ranger.

This particular park ranger, Jordan Fisher Smith, writes with a lyricism and level of compassion I don't think many of us could muster after spending years guarding a river facing damnation, finding tree-studded hills dotted not only with native wildflowers but with modern-day armed outlaws, and having pastoral moments snatched away by bureaucracy and the random call of the dispatcher.

To be a park ranger: Must enjoy life and death, guns and flowers, boredom and terror, paperwork and budget cuts, beauty and ugliness, rafting and hiking, solitude and brotherhood.
NPR Interview with Jordan Fisher Smith


  1. multi dimensional and pretty.will look it up on amazon.co.uk!
    hope you enjoyed halloween!

  2. You'll be happy to know Nature Noir is available on amazon.co.uk... ya big flirt.

    I can see this book made into a movie. Hmmm... who would play the lead?
