Plants I bought:
- Epiphyllum 'Tele' from Epiphyllum World. Epis are my new addiction.
- 2 tree peonies from The Lily Pad
- Heuchera 'Chocolate Ruffles' from Digging Dog Nursery
- Dierama pulcherrimum from Digging Dog
- Persicaria virginiana 'Lance Corporal' from Digging Dog... nope... just discovered the plant was mislabeled. If or when I figure out what I bought, I'll report back.

It was a beautiful sunny day in the city. Keep both hands on the wheel when photographing while driving.

Striking wall-mounted pots planted with the unfortunately named Senecio rowleyanus, a.k.a. String of Pearls

"The Junkman's Paradisio"
This is my kind of garden... a rough and tumble mix of herbs, recycled art, pots, painted raised beds, herbs, edibles and a compost bin.


Arizona State University's "Jelly, Bean and Me". This display will freak your freak. What're college kids smokin' these days?

This is your asparagus on steroids.

"Livin' Cheap in Baja"

"A Garden Railroad"

Chelsea Antiques has these great giant metal roosters. I want one for my front yard. Tee hee.

The Original Living Wreath by Margee

These are so cool!

View from inside the "women's" restroom... Are the hydrangeas there to prevent us from mistaking a urinal for a toilet? We chicas are smarter than that. If they're there purely for a splash of color, well, then BRAVO!

Heading home around 4pm. Traffic wasn't too bad. It only took about thirty minutes to get over the Bay Bridge. Last year I left the Cow Palace a little later and it took me over an hour to get over the bridge... in the rain, bumper to bumper.

I always like to swing by 4th Street in Berkeley on the way home to hit a few stores and grab a bite to eat before heading back to Sacramento. The AeroGarden pictured above was at Sur La Table. Neato, huh?
This year, we got some lovely takeout from The Pasta Shop and ate it in the car. I love eating in parked cars. A lowfat mocha (no whip) from Peet's a couple doors down gave me enough caffeine to counteract the pasta and allowed me to remain alert for the drive home. New sights, new plants, good food, good coffee, good company... what a fun day!
The next best thing to attending the Flower and Garden Show is reading this blog!
Hey, Bend! The AeroGarden is a "Nasa-tested aeroponic technology" wonder.