Before night fell, I snapped a few pics of the nursery, inside and out.

Andrew talking to nursery reps.
Cheryl snapping me snapping them


Wide selection of plants from Blooms, Annie's, Monterey Bay and more.

New cold-hardy tropical demo bed

Cool-season color

Halloween planters

Cool-season planter

Seasonal and succulent planters

Open house attendees listening to raffle results

Christmas tree display. Yes, folks, it's time to start thinking about the holidaze...
Windmill put on quite a gourmet spread, with beer, wine and catering by Carmichael restaurant La Perla Bistro . We were treated to live music by local band Fair Trade. The lead singer has a great voice and according to Windmill family member Andrew, this talented musician is also a landscaper!
Since 10% of the night's plant sales were going to Wind Youth Services, I felt I should do my part. Shopping at a nursery at night has always been a fantasy of mine... seriously... and now I know how super fun it can be.
(night shots by Cheryl Hawes, AKA Weeder)

Like the new do? Let me just say, "How could I resist?" and let it be known that I was very gentle with this hanging plant. Perhaps I should just say "No comment."
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