Tuesday, January 22, 2008

River-Friendly Reminder...

Just a reminder that you'll have a chance to see an 800 square foot River-Friendly EcoLandscape display garden at the Northern California Home & Landscape Expo at Cal Expo this Friday, Saturday and Sunday, January 25-27.

Sacramento landscape contractor Dave Roberts, who specializes in sustainable landscaping, will also be giving a talk on River-Friendly Landscaping at 5:00pm on Saturday, January 26th.

This is exciting stuff for "River City" gardeners who don't want to be slaves to their water meters or their lawnmowers but still want a beautiful, wildlife-friendly garden.

Hey, also look for the UC IPM Kiosk at the show. They've been popping up at different locations and here's another chance to give one a whirl!


  1. I don't think I'll be able to attend, but I'd be interested in what he covers with regards to integrated pest management (alternatives to synthetic pesticides and fertilizers) as that surely has an impact on the watershed since most residential stormwater systems connect and discharge to local creeks without treatment, then to rivers, etc. I'm slowly trying to ween myself off of the syntetics and going towards organic fertilizers. Angela, are you going? If you do, I'd be interested in what you learn. Thanks for the heads up.


  2. Hi Sean,

    I think I can make it over there on Sunday. If I go, I'll try to take a few pics of the R.F. display garden.

  3. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Hi Angela!
    How's the weather up there? L.A. is drenched- good thing!
