Monday, May 29, 2006

My next chair planter

My aunt snatched this chair out of a junk pile for me! Kind of reminds me of an ice cream parlor chair. It's white-painted metal with a tasteful hint of rust. Can't wait to plant the seat.

Plant suggestions?

This chair is fairly segregated from the green chair planter. It's near fragrant roses and lavender.


  1. I have no planting suggestions given that we're a zillion zones apart, but: great chair!

  2. Anonymous7:58 PM

    The ice-cream-parlor-look suggests candy colors. Maybe pelargoniums (zonal geraniums) in red and pink. Or some fluffy double petunias in pink and purple.

  3. Great ideas. Zonal geraniums popped into my head too! Very ice-cream parlor-ey. Red and pink would work nicely. Or pink and white? We'll see.

    Parfait glass... ha.


  4. This chair speaks romance to me!I see a palette of deep pinks blues puffs of white trailing down with the roses and lavender surrounding it..perhaps more lavender on the other side for balance...oh I could go on and on!! I wish I had that chair in my garden!:)

  5. Ok, now I need to incorporate a bit of romance. There's some good-looking white bacopa at Home Depot right now. That might be a good summer trailer. Maybe some Angelonia if it's available?

    The nearby dark purples and deep reds do make a pretty passionate color palette. The chair is very "first date", but the flowers don't have to be...

    I'll of course snap a pic when I'm done. Thanks for the input, ladies!
